(Trying to work on some artwork for this segment on the blog. What do you think?)
Screen shots of recipes I found. If you wanna try them just click on the image.
Hola amigos/amigas! The weekend is here once again and for this weeks "Weekend Shine" I will be cooking and packing all week. Yes packing! I am moving once again for the third time closer, in fact, to my wonderful university. Packing is so time consuming and cultured.
My OCD definitely kicks in. However, it must be done because I move next Wednesday. I'm kind of on a time crunch but I'm sure it will get done. The only exciting part of my weekend is I will be trying out some new recipes with veggies that I haven't used, eggplant and artichoke. When in doubt of cooking I always resort to my main woman Martha Stewart. She always knows how to handle things. I will be cooking stuffed Eggplant and probably just steamed artichoke cause I don't want to get to crazy with it. If any of you are feeling adventurous maybe you should try these recipes! Have a great weekend :)